Still making good progress – Day 14


I’ve been away up North so hadn’t seen Jack for a few days. He had his stitches out, but needed a couple reinserted because the scar over the stump is a bit fragile.

He continues to surprise us with his resilience and skills. His play is very funny as he works out how to do one paw gymnastics. His new toy is a hanging mouse and it is getting a good battering.


2 thoughts on “Still making good progress – Day 14”

  1. You are a very, very cute kitty Mr. Jack!

    Glad you got those itchy stitches out……well, almost all of them!

    And ya know what? You have really rocked this “recovery phase” like a champ! Your law gymnastics will continue to improve as you figure out how to attack your toys! Run toys run! Jack is back! 🙂


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    1. He is very, very cute. His new favourite human is my partner’s daughter aged 15. She is a shy wee thing and he thinks she needs extra special tender Jack love and he lies really close to her whenever she is visiting.

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